The Marauders will be well represented at the Hutt Valley Wargaming Club's annual ValleyCon, January 24-25. "Team Wairarapa"will be at least seven strong, playing Ancients, American Civil War, World War 2, and Warmachine and Hordes. Others are planning to travel too, to check out the games, talk toy soldiers and see what's available to buy and sell.
Andrew Brazendale (Late Imperial Romans), Vince Cholewa (Thracians), and Phil Gates (French Ordonnance) will be playing in the Ancient "bring a friend" competition. That is, each army must include an ally of a different nation. The Romans are bringing Franks, the Thracians are bringing Greek mercenaries, and the French are bringing Swiss mercenaries. |
Alistair Ramsden has organised a large, multi-player American Civil War refight of the Battle of Shiloh. Club President, James Trotman, will be among those taking part. This will be a demonstration game not a competition. |
Warren Hart (Germans) and David Kinzett (British) will be playing in the World War 2 competition. The rules are divided into three periods: early, mid, and late war. This year the competition is mid-war. The Flames of War rules are published by New Zealand company, Battlefront, which also makes the the models and figures. They have become the international standard for World War 2 gaming. |
Peter Williamson will be using Circle of Orboros in the Warmachine and Hordes competition. These are fun Science Fiction and Fantasy rules that are fully compatible with each other so Warcasters' and Warlocks' forces can battle each other. |
Team Wairarapa, come back with your shields or on them!
Hutt Club, be afraid, be very afraid!
Posted by Vince
I look forward to the challenge from the FOW guys