Another meeting where all the games were 25mm. Harley, Ceilidh, Jon, Carl and Emma played
Blackpowder Napoleonic, Craig, Jim and John played
Horse Foot and Guns Marlburian, and Vince and David played
DBMM Ancients.
Craig, Jim and John played a dawn attack scenario from one of C.S.Grant and S.Asquith's books of scenarios for all periods. Craig and John had British and Imperial troops under Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy. Jim had Peter the Great's Russians. |
The allied force presses home its attack on the Russians. |
Jon, Ceilidh, Harley, Carl and Emma getting their game underway. |
I think these are French carabiniers. |
A view of the Napoleonic game. |
David deploying his Marian Romans against Vince, who used Maurikian Byzantine. David was testing a new combination, using raw, recently recruited legionaries as well as Caesar's veterans. |
An out of focus shot of part of Vince's army LOL |
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