It was great to see so many people come to the club today to play, paint, and see what was going on. We had a multi-player 25mm Napoleonic game, 25mm Ancients, Naval, and a painting table. Here are pics from the day.
Don't forget, we also have a club Facebook that you can post on. Tell us about your games, painting, recent acquisitions, and just interesting wargaming stuff.
25mm Napoleonics using the Black Powder rules. Rex, Harley and Ceilidh using an allied force of Brunswickers, Prussians, Portuguese and British. Aidan (sitting at the top of the table) and Lawrence (striped shirt) were watching and learning. Carl and Jono had the French. |
Rex's most recent acquisition. Perry Miniatures British light dragoons. The riders can be assembled wearing either Tarleton helmets or shako. |
Dave brought his 25mm Anglo-Danes to play Wagames Research Group's DBMM Ancients against Vince and his Maurikian Byzantines. This pic also gives a general view of the hall. |
Alex brought his Orcs and paints. The army is for Games Workshops 40K Science Fiction rules. |
Craig and Jim used Dystopian Wars fleets and Criag had adapted the rules to represent early 20th Century pre-dreadnaughts. Craig had New Zealand ships and Jim Japanese. |
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