The models and terrain looked great.

As well as the two Warmachine and Hordes tables, Vince and Harley played some games of DBA, Wargames Research Group's quick play Ancients rules. Harley had his first win! Didn't he do well? (Yay! crowd goes wild!)

Simon and Neil played Warhammer Fantasy, getting in some practice for Runefang in Wellington next weekend.

Callan and William played 40K, and Jacob and Raynor played Warmachine with Sean.

Many thanks to Sean and Chris for making the trip over the hill to the sunny Wairarapa. We had a great time ;-)
Awesome to see the Blog up and running Vince, also great to see a healthy group of gamers enjoying Warmahordes - well done guys can't wait to come over and have a game or two.