The Hutt Valley Wargaming Club hosted its annual ValleyCon on January 28-29. About 28 people played War Machine (, 20 played early war World War 2 using the Flames of War rules (, and 11 played Ancients using Wargames Research Group's DBMM 2 rules. I ran the Ancients competition and the results were:
1. Richard Foster (Thames), Wars of the Roses English, 70 points
2. Andrew Bennetts (Auckland), Marian Roman, 63
3. Alastair Duncan (Wellington), various armies, 60
4. Vince Cholewa (Carterton), Early Imperial Roman, 59
5. Dirk Heinsius (Hong Kong), Early Achaemenid Persian, 55
6. Gary Lewis (Upper Hutt), Russ, 51
7. Brent Senior Partridge (Ming Chinese), Wellington and Craig Ellison
(Wellington) Marian Roman, 49*
8. John van den Hoeven (Upper Hutt), Pre-Feudal Scots, 44
9. Mark Pickup (Wellington) Marian Roman, 43
10. Paul Graham (Wellington), Middle Imperial Roman, 5.
* Brent and Craig played as a team, with Brent playing the morning games and Craig playing in the afternoons.
Best sport: Paul Graham
Best army: Andrew Bennetts
Et tu Brutแบป (most generals killed): Mark Pickup, 3
Patrick McGoohan Special Award (first to register is, clearly Number 1 - anyone else remember The Prisoner TV show?): John van den Hoeven
Macks Track sponsored the convention and had a stand of their products.
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