Pix from the first day of the Wairarapa Two-Day-Match, Saturday November 14. The second day is Saturday Novem
ber 28. The tables in the hall are larger than the standard 8'x 6' we usually play on. Players are welcome to use the full width or measure off 8'.
You can also view on the club Facebook
The day begins with the hall being set up. |
There are, of course, armies. Here is a selection.
Kelly Gay, Palmeston North, Macedonians - Asiatic Early Successor |
Peter Noble, Lower Hutt, Post-Mongol Samurai |
Another shot of Peter's Samurai |
Phil Gates, Greytown, Later Carthaginian |
Andrew Brazendale, Carterton, Early Achaemenid Persian |
Gary Lewis, Lower Hutt, Komnenan Byzantine |
Doug Smith, Wainuiomata, Pre-Feudal Scots |
Drew Fortune, Upper Hutt, Ottoman Turks |
John van den Hoeven, Upper Hutt, Hittite allies for his Trojans |
Alastair Duncan, Wellington, Western Sudanese |
Mike Thorn, Lower Hutt, Huns |
Some of the games in progress
Andrew (Early Achaemendi Persians) vs Peter (Post-Mongol Samurai) |
Drew (Ottoman Turks) vs John (Trojans) |
Paul Graham (Parthians) vs Mike (Huns). I first met Paul on 1979 when I rocked up to the Wellington Warlords wargaming club. He was the president and took me under his wing. So it's his fault! |
Trophies: the one we play for and those on the walls of the hall.
The Horse Head Trophy, won last year by Peer Noble (Ptolemaic) |
Mike at the Kitchen servery |
Andrew, Early Achaemenid Persians in the round 2 top of the table clash |
Foreground, John Zittersteijn, Featherston, Early Imperial Roman, vs Doug, Pre-Feudal Scots; background Che Tibby, Wellington, Seleucids vs Alastair, Western Sudanese. |
Foreground, David McLachlan, Featherston, Marian Romans. |
There was a Marlburian game too
David Nichols, Wellington, Craig Mabon, Carterton, and Rex Fowler, Masterton, setting up a 25mm Marlburian game using the Horse Foot and Guns rules. |
Rex getting organised |
Some of Craig's British cavalry. |
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