We had a good turn out of Wairarapa gamers on Sunday though only two games were played, one was Medieval and the other Marlburian. Other gamers brought along Ancient, Napoleonic, Dystopian Wars, and 40K figures.
Craig and Andrew used the Horse Foot and Guns rules and 25mm Russian and British armies from early in the 18th Century. Vince and David played 15mm DBMM (Ancient and Medieval rules) using Nikophorian Byzantines and Post-Mongol Samurai. Rex and Carl brought along the newest additions to their 25mm Napoleonic collections, Jonathan brought along one of his 40K armies and his DBA 15mm Vikings, and Ross brought along one of his Dystopian Wars fleets. James was there of course opening up and having a good yarn about toy soldiers.
A big welcome to Ed who came along after reading about the club in the newspaper and checking out our blog. Ed started playing Ancients with WRG's 3rd edition rules in the early 1970's and is keen to learn the new quick play rules, DBA 3. Vince will organise DBA games at the next club meeting for everyone keen to learn and have a go. All are welcome to join in. The rules are fun and simple.
Rex and Carl are planning to bring some boxes of Napoleonic figures to the next meeting to assemble and paint.
Everyone is welcome at meetings, even if you are not playing. Come and see what and who is there, bring some toy soldiers to show, do some painting, and talk toy soldiers.
Some pics from the meeting. Unfortunately, Vince left his camera at home so these pics were taken with a phone.
David with his 15mm Post Mongol Samurai. Some rebasing from DBM (that's like last century!) still to be finished! |
Welcome Ed on his first visit to the Marauders, seen here checking out Medieval army lists. |
Ross, Craig and Andrew at the Marlburian table. |
Some of Craig's figures. They are based for the Horse Foot and Guns rules. |
Rex and Carl talking Napoleonics. |
Carl's British guns. |
Ross's Dystopian Wars fleet. Dystopian Wars are rules for "space punk"- Victorian science fiction. |
Selfie! Vince, Jonathan's glasses, Andrew, Craig, James, Ross, David, Ed, Rex and Carl. |
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