Yesterday saw painting and gaming at the club, a new face - welcome to Alex who is into scale modelling - and the editor of the
Wairarapa Times-Age, Andrew Bonallack, came along. Andrew's story and photos should be in the paper within a day or two. We will post them on the blog when they are published.
The early arrivers getting themselves set up.Others came later in the afternoon after the heavy lifting had been done! |
Callum and Rex with their paints. |
Rex is all concentration as he works on 54mm figures for the ANZAC diorama. |
Jonathan brought along some of his bad boys to show off his work. |
Harley reading from "The Book of Phil". Ceilidh, Jonathan, Ross and Harley at the DBA table. DBA are quick play Ancient and Medieval rules. |
Ceilidh and Jonathan playing DBA. |
Callum admiring Ross' Dystopian Wars fleets - Ottoman Turks and French. Dystopian Wars are fun rules for Steampunk games. That is, Victorian science fiction. |
Neil setting up his boardgame History of the World. He, Peter, Ross, James and Vince played. |
Peter and Craig playing Craig's Wings of War, a World War 1 aerial game. |
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