Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Overview of the year to date
I was seriously thinking of abandoning the Thursday night meetings a few months back, as they generally consisted of me, and one or maybe two other diehards, and it was actually costing me money to keep them going. Now, however, the Thursday nights are almost as big as the Sundays, with our most recent one having three tables going (two 40K and one 28mm World War II skirmish) plus having another 3 or 4 spectators!
The Sundays are going great as well, with each one having a full complement of gamers and everyone having a good time.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to welcome the historical gamers to the club - guys like Vince and Craig are coming along with their armies and giving us fantasy/sci-fi gamers a taste of something a bit different. I had the good fortune of playing a game of Malifaux against Craig, and it was extremely entertaining, and a welcome change for me from the usual big unit company level gaming that is Warhammer.
I am very pleased to say that as well as our devoted Warhammer players (which after all, are the core and driving force that started the club in the first place!), that we have expanded to include Warhammer 40000, Warmachine, and also have Historical and World War II gamers. I would encourage any of you who are interested in a game you don't play to talk to the players on the Games Days - both Craig and Vince are very knowledgable and more than willing to explain the intriciacies of Napoleonics or Ancients, and all of our Fantasy or 40K players are also very approachable if you're keen on checking out a different system. Most gamers have extra armies that you can borrow for the day to take for a spin.
Also, for anyone interested in small scale World War II gaming, Toyworld in Masterton now stocks Battlefront products - this is for the Flames of War wargame, a New Zealand designed 1/100 scale game. They only have a small amount in stock, but can order in whatever you need.
Until next time, may all your Ld dice roll snake-eyes!
Pictorial of the last couple of months
31st July Battle Report

Big thank you to Aaron for taking the time to type up this Games Day report and take the photos! Hope you all enjoy it.
This Sundays battles were particularly varied and great, Four epic battles took place incorporating Fantasy, 40k and Napoleon wars???
The first battle report is from Craig and Ross Mabon.
British at Seringpatam (April 1799) vs French at Heliopolis, (March 1800)
The French camels charged a brigade of Bengali Sepoys who failed to form square. The Sepoys were supported by a brigade of Hyderabad irregulars and managed to rout the camels.
The Hyderabad cavalry then pursued into the Mameluks, uncontrolled and were promptly routed themselves. The Mameluks showed no more control and pursued into the Bengali sepoys who this time did form square, and duly repulsed the Mameluks.
In the centre there was an inconclusive encounter between a brigade of British Line and a brigade of French Combined Grenadiers.
The final act was the capture of a French 4pound battery by a brigade of Machras Sepoys.
There was a quick game of Fantasy Dark elves (Darcy) vs Vampire Counts (Blair). Through much cheating, lying and blatant disregard of the opponents wishes Blair got tell that he had won first and so was recorded as having done so.
A three way game of 40k with the uneasy alliance of Dark angels Space Marines and Chaos run by Tom and Jake respectively vied for control of three key structures against Wills who was in control of a Necron Horde.
First a Necron destroyer surged forward firing at the chaos rhino in a spectacular flash that did nothing, the loyal warriors teleported into battle with their Ctan lord to aid their immortal brothers and unleashed a salvo towards the general direction of the Chaos lord which landed harmlessly at his feet.
Five chaos terminators vaporised a unit of 20 Necrons with their powerfists, in retribution the Necron destroyers finished off the rhino.
The Dark Angels terminators repaid the debt by taking down the Destroyers.
Enraged the Ctan destroys all in his wake bar two units of chaos to tell a story of fear to others. Unfortunately in his rage the Ctan lost sight of the objective and the combined forces of Dark Angels and Chaos secured the objectives.
Special note for the Space Angels who had the brilliant tactic of hiding behind the Chaos forces so that they took the brunt of the attack.
The other Fantasy battle of the day was Neils Bretonnians vs Aarons Ogre Kingdoms.
There was a dawn attack with the Ogres believing they had the upper hand with the opportunity to move first. They soon found that they were no match for the shiny little men on their horses with pointy bits.
Neil and Aarons Favorite Bretonnian unit of his was the knights of the realm which cut a swath through Gnoblars on the right flank before destroying the annoying Scraplauncher and causing the Ironguts to turn Tail and run (with a roll of a double six I might add) to win the battle.
The favourite Ogre Kingdom unit was the Ironguts with butcher whose spells destroyed the Pegasus riders and caused fear in multiple units. They attempted to take on the knights of the realm but were no match for cursed dice rolls.