Great to see so many people at the club today - the club Hordes of the Things (HotT) campaign is proving a great success at getting people involved. The next campaign season, and then winter, will be at the club meeting on June 26.
Two tables were used for multi-player campaign games, another was used for a non-campaign HotT game, one table was Napoleonic and there was also an American Civil War boardgame.
Welcome to Erik who had not been to the club before and Roger visiting from the United States. Others there were James the Elder and James the Younger, Peter, Sam, John, David, Rex, Ross, Craig, Jim, Andrew, Neil, Jonas and Vince.
The hall being set up |
Roger with his Battle Cry ACW boardgame. |
Jim (Russians) and Rex (British) getting their Napoleonic game underway. |
James the Elder (Dwarves), Andrew Tyrannids, Craig (Hos Hostigos), and Neil (Bretonnians) played out one of the campaign games. The game ended with Andrew's force besieged and then the city taken! Andrew is out of the campaign. |
John (Early Imperial Roman) and David (Goblins) getting in a practice game for the campaign. |
Young James (Lizardmen) and Peter (Tomb Kings), watched by Sam and helped by Ross (and also by David and John) took on Vince's Early Byzantines. In a bloody encounter, James and Peter lost their CnC but Vince had the larger of his two commands demoralised and was forced to retreat. Vince has rallied his army and recovered some of the troops from his demoralised command. They will fight again! |