Our first meeting of the year had lots of people coming through talking toy soldiers and showing off what they have been working on. Two tables were used for games.
Vince and Ross played a couple of games Hordes of the Things. These are WRG's classic quick play rules. Games last about an hour and are great fun. The rules are hugely adaptable for all sorts of fantasy periods. We used Imperial Guard and Catachans. If you know WRG rules, they are pat of the DBx series, and are similar to DBA. |
Neil and Jonathan played GW Fantasy Battle using Brettonians and High Elves. They are too far to show up well in this photo but the buildings used are gorgeous. |
Craig brought along some of his Dystopian Wars fleets. These are for Victorian "steam punk". Ben, Warren, Rex and Warren also came along. Rex brought along the Napoleonic figures he has been painting over the last few weeks. |