A rainy Sunday in the Wairarapa seemed the perfect excuse for a day of wargaming. We had three tables being used, all for historical games.
It was great to see James able to drop by, escorted by Katrina. On Wednesday he had been taken into hospital and on Thursday they whipped out his appendix. He was certainly feeling tender but keen to catch up on some wargaming reading while off work for a couple of weeks of recuperation.
Warren (late World War 2 Germans) came up from Featherston and was helping Jacob (USA) learn Flames of War. |
Neil brought along Puerto Rico a game for up to five players, developing the economies of islands in the Caribbean. Neil, Peter, Ben, Gary and Vince (taking the photo) played. |
Harley and Craig played a game of Napoleon's Battles. I am sorry, I did not note the armies but I think they were British in India and French. |
Next meeting we are hoping to play some Ancients, using the DBMM 200 rules. Come by to see what is happening and you are most welcome to bring toy soldiers (any and all periods and rules welcome), planes, boats and board games.